v. April 13, 2024
Future Technologies "FUTOPZ": "Future Technology or Utopias?" Somewhere between feasible or utopia. (MC:) ECK-INSPIR This small excerpt is public since 2014...2017. Another 1000 or so profitable future projects are listed internally. Excerpts from these require a small contribution to the costs. Contact for this: (MC:) ECK-INSPIR
(FUTOPZ) Future Transport Technologies (MC:) ECK-ZZBBB- Pneumatic tubes for persons, cars, food shopping, parcels, waste. (MC:) ECK-ZZBBT-PNEUBOT Autom.container ships, closed/"unsinkable". Fuel cell,wind,waves,solar. (MC:) ECK-ZZBBT-CONTINTEX Future aircraft concepts: Energy, noise, geometry, speed, transport etc.. (MC:) ECK-ZZBBT-AERCONC Find airjets in the ocean? Liability-related pseudo-problem. 5 solutions. (MC:) ECK-ZZTYB-SOSJET Wireless electicity +data transmission: Power beaming? Virtual tubes? (MC:) ECK-ZZTEE-RADELEX Future Energy Technologies (MC:) ECK-FUTOPZ in 5 years energy self-sufficient world? (renewable) - Fictitious model. (MC:) TEE-ZZFFT-MAMONAT Decentralized energy? Future! Produce it where used. Technologies list. (MC:) TEE-ZZFFT-ENDECEN Energy: Utopias? Realistic? Hurric.,osmosis,capillarasc.etc.. List: Many! (MC:) TEE-ZZFFT-UTOPENG Selfloading batteries: 8 variants. (Smartphones, cameras, laptops etc.) (MC:) ECK-ZZTEE-ROBIBAT e-car battery problem: Alternate solutions; car price below traditional cars. (MC:) ECK-ZZTEE-AUBATEX Home electricity: Internet + various concepts. 30% less within 12 months. (MC:) ECK-ZZTEE-ELASTUD Public illumination: Technology concepts. 50% savings within 24 months. (MC:) ECK-ZZTEE-LUMAPUB Future Constructing (MC:) ECK-ZZRTE-FUTOPZ Constructing with huge 3D printers? (Homes, garages, small buildings...) (MC:) ECK-ZZRTE-DOMFACT Prefab containers, helicopter-placed to form building (1973, Cologne). (MC:) ECK-ZZRTE-HELICONST Ideal wall material: Modular, insulation, finish, inorganic, not sandwich. (MC:) ECK-ZZRTE-MONBRICK Future Health Technologies (MC:) ECK-ZZYAK-FUTOPZ Health tele consult bot, automatied, saves one third of health spending. (MC:) YAA-ZZWFA-MIRAFAC Human organs factory plus spare parts service for human bodies. (MC:) ECK-ZZYBT-ORGAMAGIC Older than 115 years (biolog. limit)? Overview / very different concepts. (MC:) ECK-ZZYYF-VIT115PLUS translation into sign language, automated, real-time, multi-lingual. (MC:) YAA-ZZYJ-AUDEBOT Noise killer concepts: Office, trains, coffee shop, airport, highway, ... (MC:) ECK-ZZTCJ-SILOPAX Future New Legal Concepts (MC:) ECK-ZZUBA-FUTOPZ Future laws liability, criminal off.: Think machines, bots,autom.cars etc. (MC:) ECK-ZZUBB-LEGABOT Contract valid if impossible? Superstition, utopias, etc.. Fascinating! (MC:) ECK-ZZUBK-LEGIMPOS Future Employees' Organization (MC:) ECK-ZZSWA-FUTOPZ Most office jobs will disappear (next 15++ years). How to manage? (MC:) ECK-ZZSWA-ROJOBEX Future logical privacy limits listed. Solutions: Business reality, laws, etc.. (MC:) ECK-ZZUBK-PRIVAMOX Weekend ends: How by worldwide co-op a service 24/24hours, 7/7days. (MC:) ECK-ZZSWB-WORK24X7 Finance the Future: (MC:) ECK-ZZECE-FUTOPZ Virtual currency base: Creativity. Pays authors, inventors, scientists. (MC:) EAC-ZZPEC-CIVIPUB Creator rights: 30++ options: Copyright, license, patent,tm, etc. (MC:) ECK-PUE-CREAREG Legal zero taxes for innovation? Major strategies, options (espec.EU). (MC:) ECK-ZZSNY-INNOZERO Venture Cap.: How2avoid crim.offense risks. Strategies: 20++ major risks. (MC:) ECK-SYN-PENVEC Subsidy experts: How2avoid crim.off.risks. Strateg.: 20++ major risks. (MC:) ECK-SYN-PENSUBS Nation victorious if money for innovators. Shown for 4000 years. (MC:) ECK-ZZVAK-INNAVICT Correlation: Salaries for innovators versus managers in a country. (MC:) ECK-ZZECV-INNOFACT black year for mankind? All inventions done? Registry: Absolute inv. limits. (MC:) ECK-ZZECV-ANN2525 (3) Future Corporate Health Management: - "Future meets reality." Less illnesses = less losses + more productivity.
Each subscription of 1 topic: USD 1200 / € 960. First supplies a 2 page study: A structured list for decision makers. Optional services: See the end of this document.
Some examples from a total of 2 000++. More? T: +49 -30- 3454 0962, ok @ infos7.org (MC:) YAA-ZZSSS-XXXX DIAB2RISK Diabetes-2 prevention: How-to: Measures for ~58% less cases in staff. (MC:) YSS-DIAB2RISK HYPELIM High blood pressure: Eliminate ~60++ % of treatment cases in the staff. (MC:) YSS-HYPELIM COLDEFIN Coloscopy: Definitive truth list. ~70% less related cost for employers? (MC:) YFE-COLDEFIN TUMPREV Cancer prevention: Measure list for 50...80 % less cases in the staff. (MC:) YFC-TUMPREV DEMPREV Dementia prevention: Work organization + measures.(30...80% less?) (MC:) YKY-DEMPREV NATALIMY Canteens: Improv.list for natural food state - reduces staff health cost. (MC:) WFK-NATALIMY ADDIPOZ Weight loss: Method comparison for motivating staff members. (MC:) WFM-ADDIPOZ CHEMPRINS printer risks for staff health. Laser, ink, solid ink. Resume / studies. (MC:) TEY-CHEMPRINS VITAVALU Money value of 1 human life. Resumes 15++ calculation concepts. (MC:) KCW-VITAVALU ZERAPS Zero absence rate for pseudo-illness: Resumes main motivation concepts. (MC:) YBY-ZERAPS MOFFENC List: Health care crim. offense types. Stops employees' overmedication. (MC:) YBY-MOFFENC SANTABON Bonus concepts / how-to (profitable) for employees with healthy lifestyle. (MC:) YBV-SANTABON VIT100PLUS Reach 100++ years? Rule list +humor; for distrib. to staff. (Scientific.) (MC:) ECK-ZZYYF-100PLUS (4) Future Organization of Organizations - "Future meets reality."
Each subscription of 1 topic: USD 1200 / € 960. First supplies a 2 page study: A structured list for decision makers. Optional services: See the end of this document.
Some examples from a total of 2 000++. More? T: +49 -30- 3454 0962, ok @ infos7.org (MC:) SSS-ZZSSS-XXXX SPHINXCOP classification system + organization for multi-user knowledge archives. (MC:) KKS-SPHINXCOP SECUMIKS Internet & e-mail rules for employees: 50% time saved, ~100% security. (MC:) SWB-SECUMIKS NUXPC Modular lifetime Eco-PC. ~40% saving; ~100% security; own "cloud"-system. (MC:) TCA-NUXPC NUXSYS Best choice: LINUX +free software. Smooth transition how-to for managers. (MC:) TCA-NUXSYS NEXTITUS If the Internet dies? Organize survival prepar. for global net breakdown. (MC:) TCA-NEXTITUS (PRINVEZ) Projects for technology investors - Please come and earn! Ready to start for your participation, co-financing or co-operation. Mostly already active in a first version or in the testing stage. If interested: ok@fín7.com (English, German, French). - Short information provided free of charge. Details only to current investors or to subscribers (960 € annual fee, see the page bottom). info (1A4): 80 FM. All projects: At present Berlin,Germany. May move to location wanted by investor (EU,US,others). Total flexibility for all investors' intentions. Taxation aspects optimized. Financial businesses (EC) FIN7 FUTURE TECH market place: find investors, espec. peer to peer FUNDAFINA reverse mortgage insurance concepts peer to peer. SUBSITECH subsidies for true technology entrepreneurs. COMPENIX damage compensation syndication (fraud, scam). FINOPTEX earnings from managing crowdfunding for a better world. TEMCUR Virtual currency definition tools for contract clauses.. Publishing ('PP) PPB Power Publishing Butler: Replaces printed press / alternate concept. MAM7 PLUS virtual payment barter system for authors, creators. ULTIMATE EBOOK: Generator for e-books in HTML5. VALVY : Free web TV / high value information quality. Knowledge, Education ('KK) - (non-profit first, later profitable) SPHINX SECOND BRAIN classification for a cooper. web-based knowledge archive. SYNTELSYS - meta-knowledge archive based on SPHINX SECOND BRAIN. CIVIBAS archetypes of human civilization - the basic structure of human mind. PSEUCALC co-op-platform: Scientific truth versus marketing & politics. QUALSEL web search system for quality, not quantity. PILLDOUNG - knowledge sites for the specific German concept of deep thinking. STUDSEL selection system for students based on abilities of deep thinking. Net services based on intelligence computing ('PPK) FRANCKEINSTEIN personalized knowledge supply services. PHANTASYS simulates brain idea processing. VIRTAVIV virtual life after biological death: Web services. METADATEX - idea & contact managers with lifetime guaranty. Legal services ('UB) FAX7 ORGATEXT web retrieval system - free busin.knowledge JUS7 LEGATEXT web retrieval system - free legal knowledge. MILCOP Class action: How to obtain it where it is not implemented by law. MAFDAM Money back from Investment-tortfeasors: Pest control by legal battles. Reverse mortgage: Bot consult service online. Foreign languages ('JJ) PLURANTO anticipation of the emerging world civilization language. NEUSCRIP Neural-related auxil.script. Speech speed. Creates Latin,Chin., Cyrill.etc.. LINGUMAX personalized language tutor: 300 hours per language. TANSRANTO makes machine language translation comprehensible. TRANSYTOP automatic improvement algorithms for translation. Market places ('SP) TERRA UNIKA CO-OP: Instant market place generator (service). CYPONET: The used software system. SYSTEMS SOFTWARE; COMPUTING ('CE) OMNI-OS and COPVOS: The Internet as operating system. PLURASOFT merges all progr.language; in all spoken langs. NUXPC modular ecological lifetime power PC. 40% less energy. 80% less waste. Health ('YA) MED7 MEDORAMA Internet tele-service for health. NATINS HEALTH INSURANCE - 50 % less to pay by MED7 users. BIODOPT Bio Intelligence doping - the natural way. Economics ('VAE) - (non-profit first, later profitable) SOMARET "Social market economy" - how-to - the German success system. (Liberal, not "welfare state".) VOX LIBRA CONCEPT rational optimization of governments; election tool. PROSPHINX Forecasting / economic crisis (cycles, national / international). STATVER - statistics recalculation / eliminates falsification. LIFE TIME = WORK TIME: the end of retirement. (MC:) ECD-AALIST ![]() For each single topic of the long list: ... the following services are available:
purchase = donation for author work + e-book extension. Your donation motivates the author to add more out of the hundreds of topics that have been prepared. Automatic update service for all purchasers for at least 12 months.
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